Law School Myths Debunked: It's so expensive, I'll never afford it!

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

As discussed in our previous blog, Going straight from undergrad to law school is easiest, welcome back to our 10-part blog series where we debunk the most popular myths about applying to Law School. In this blog we cover myth #2, that law school is so expensive, youll never afford it!, and the cost-saving benefits of studying in the UK.

The Basics

Starting with the basics, unless you are fully funded, you will incur some version of costs ranging from tuition, housing, books, travel, food, etc. With that said, studying your degree in the UK is a huge money saver. UK law degree are comparable in cost to a law degree in Canada. The LSAT is not required so you save a bit of money there. And with being able to earn a qualifying law degree in as little as two years, you're saving money there too.


"Between studying, writing the LSAT and completing my application for Canadian schools, I spent around $1000 and countless hours."

Richard B.  CLFA Alumnus

Internationally recognised programs

With a degree from our prestigious law schools, comparable cost of living and specialised LLMs, UK law programs completely debunk the myth on affording law school. Additionally, as an international student, your visa allows for part time work whilst in the UK. So youre spending less money to apply, less on tuition, earning money whilst in school and gaining a competitive edge with international education and experience. Its a win, win!

Finding work in the UK is pretty easy. From commercial jobs like retail, hospitality or food services to advanced positions within law firms, universities or other organisations, there are opportunities to fit any type of student. Working abroad is a unique selling point on your resume and sets you apart when applying and interviewing for career jobs.


"Having completed a local internship at the courthouse with valuable pro bono experience, I've been able to help hundreds of people who can't afford access to justice."

Catherine R.  CLFA Alumnus

Push your comfort zone!

International experiences show you're capable of pushing your boundaries and maximising your time abroad. They allow you to learn, grow, and give back to your community in a meaningful way. And of course, get a little bit of spending money in your pocket too. This makes law school a decently affordable investment in your future. Tune in next time, or subscribe to our blog, when we debunk myth #3, needing a perfect GPA to apply to law school.


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