Canada Law from Abroad assisted me in the whole process of applying to law schools in the UK.
I was fortunate to meet my advisor in person in one of CLFA's downtown Toronto sessions in the fall of 2017 where she provided me with a detailed account of how CLFA operates and what I can expect from the team. To those who can make it to one of these sessions, I highly recommend attending them and setting up an appointment! My advisor was extremely helpful in providing me a shortlist of law schools that catered to my specific needs. Furthermore, she was always there whenever I had questions and concerns and always kept me up to speed with my applications assuring me to not worry.
Fast forward to 2020, I have successfully graduated from York Law School and am now pursuing my NCAs to start the ball rolling to get my feet in the door in Ontario! I highly recommend students pursuing law school in the UK to approach Canada Law from Abroad!
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