UK Law Degrees

UK Law Degrees

There are a range of UK Law Degrees available that are comparable to those offered in Canada, and some that are only available when you choose to study in Britain.




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Law School Myths Debunked: I Should Attend the Most Prestigious University Possible

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

As discussed in our previous blog, I need a Perfect GPA welcome back to our 10-part blog series where we debunk the most popular myths about applying to Law School. In this blog we cover myth #4, I should attend the most prestigious university possible. There are a few different ways you can decide which universities you apply to and ultimately attend. At Canada Law From Abroad, we partner with 12 British universities across the UK to help get you the most diverse options possible. Whether you want to study in the bustling city of London or you prefer a more serene setting, we have you covered.

Canada Law From Abroad

"The campus is beautiful, and the staff and academic community is and have been always very welcoming and supportive. I have met some great people, and have had the opportunity to take part in various talks. events and organisations which I have found invaluable to my experience as a law student."

Tyler N. University of Birmingham Student and CLFA Alumnus

The Best Fit

Canada Law From AbroadWe generally advise you should go to the university that best fits you regardless of how prestigious a school is. Evaluate all aspects of the university such as campus type, location, student involvement opportunities, and of course, prestigious reputation, if that is indeed important to you. If the university and you aren't a good match, you will be unhappy regardless of the prestige so find one that fit your personality, academic needs, and strengths. And if you want to pick your universities based on student satisfaction, work opportunities, or research prestige, our advisors are here to help guide you to the ones best for you. There is not a one-size-fits-all university, it's personal, and your search and selection of the universities you apply to should be personal as well. Stuck on where to start? Download our free study guide to discover the benefits of studying Law in the UK Tune in next time, or subscribe to our blog, when we debunk myth #5, Law school is like a 9 to 5 job.

Want to learn more about studying Law in the UK?
Speak to one of our Personal Advisors today!

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Law School Myths Debunked: I need a Perfect GPA

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

As discussed in our previous blog, Its so expensive, Ill never afford it!, welcome back to our 10-part blog series where we debunk the most popular myths about applying to Law School. In this blog we cover myth #3, I need a perfect GPA. At Canada Law From Abroad, we partner with 12 British universitiesto accommodate nearly any GPA. Of course, having a good GPA is always helpful in getting you into the most schools as possible. But fear not, it definitely isnt required. UK law school admissions review candidates in their entirety meaning your GPA is just one aspect of your application. University representatives individually read personal statements, evaluate work history and experience and take a more holistic look of students beyond GPA.


Canada Law From Abroad"My advisor assisted me with every step in the process from securing an academic reference to preparing my personal statement."

Felicity S. University of Southampton Student and CLFA Alumnus

University admissions

Every programme at each university has their own admissions criteria with a recommended GPA. Our advisors help match you to universities and programmes across the UK, helping you to get into as many schools as possible. Our services allow you to apply to up to five universities using one application. Therefore, this helps you have academic reach and safety school options to ensure you get in ideally at least one school.

Download our free study guide to discover the benefits of studying Law in the UK

If you do have a lower GPA, chat with one of our advisors today, since we maintain strong relationships with our partner universities, creating an avenue of communication for the benefit of getting you an admission offer. Tune in next time, or subscribe to our blog, when we debunk myth #4, I should attend the most prestigious university possible.


Want to learn more about studying Law in the UK?
Speak to one of our Personal Advisors today!

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Law School Myths Debunked: It's so expensive, I'll never afford it!

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

As discussed in our previous blog, Going straight from undergrad to law school is easiest, welcome back to our 10-part blog series where we debunk the most popular myths about applying to Law School. In this blog we cover myth #2, that law school is so expensive, youll never afford it!, and the cost-saving benefits of studying in the UK.

The Basics

Starting with the basics, unless you are fully funded, you will incur some version of costs ranging from tuition, housing, books, travel, food, etc. With that said, studying your degree in the UK is a huge money saver. UK law degree are comparable in cost to a law degree in Canada. The LSAT is not required so you save a bit of money there. And with being able to earn a qualifying law degree in as little as two years, you're saving money there too.

Canada Law from Abroad"Between studying, writing the LSAT and completing my application for Canadian schools, I spent around $1000 and countless hours."

Richard B. University of Birmingham Student and CLFA Alumnus

Internationally recognised programs

With a degree from our prestigious law schools, comparable cost of living and specialised LLMs, UK law programs completely debunk the myth on affording law school. Additionally, as an international student, your visa allows for part time work whilst in the UK. So youre spending less money to apply, less on tuition, earning money whilst in school and gaining a competitive edge with international education and experience. Its a win, win!

Download our free study guide to discover the benefits of studying Law in the UK

Finding work in the UK is pretty easy. From commercial jobs like retail, hospitality or food services to advanced positions within law firms, universities or other organisations, there are opportunities to fit any type of student. Working abroad is a unique selling point on your resume and sets you apart when applying and interviewing for career jobs.


"Having completed a local internship at the courthouse with valuable pro bono experience, I've been able to help hundreds of people who can't afford access to justice."

Catherine R. University of Birmingham Student and CLFA Alumnus

Push your comfort zone!

International experiences show you're capable of pushing your boundaries and maximising your time abroad. They allow you to learn, grow, and give back to your community in a meaningful way. And of course, get a little bit of spending money in your pocket too. This makes law school a decently affordable investment in your future. Tune in next time, or subscribe to our blog, when we debunk myth #3, needing a perfect GPA to apply to law school.


Want to learn more about studying Law in the UK? 
Speak to one of our Personal Advisors today!

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Law School Myths Debunked: Going straight from undergrad to law school is easiest

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

As discussed in our previous blog, Law School Myths Debunked: 10 Myths About Applying to Law School, welcome to our 10-part blog series. In this series, we debunk the most popular myths about applying to Law School. In this blog we cover myth #1, going straight from undergrad to law school is easiest.

In recent years, an increasing number of schools are emphasising admitting students with relevant work experience over those applying straight from university. Especially in a time when more applicants have similarly positioned academics, work experience is the difference in getting you an offer or rejection letter. So how do you level the playing field with the more experienced competition?


"Leverage whatever experiences you do have. The UK attracts top students from around the world so make yourself standout."

Vivian Mak, CLFA Student Advisor


Jobs during university, such as summer internships or teaching assistant positions, or even leadership positions in academic organisations such as prelaw societies, all help communicate your ability to take what youve learned in the classroom and practically apply it just like you would in real world work experience.



Showcasing such experiences in your personal statement makes your application stand out. And offers insight into the experience and skills you developed through it. Additionally, doing so provides specific examples of meaningful events you were a part of, displaying attentiveness, maturity and leadership. Law schools value these skills and one of the reasons they encourage applicants with work experience to apply.

Download our free study guide to discover the benefits of studying Law in the UK


Considering picking up some work experience

This is especially helpful when it relates directly to your longer-term career goals. For example, if in your personal statement, you say you're interested in immigration law, having demonstrable experience at an immigrant service center is so much more impactful in showing your commitment as opposed to just saying what you want to do. Finally, remember our law schools still consider applications even without work experience! So don't be shy about applying. But if you've got the urge to get out into the world and get some experience, go for it! The myth that going straight from undergrad to law school is easiest just isn't true. There is never a best time to start law school. Just do what is best for you. Come back next time, or subscribe to our blog, when we tackle myth #2, Law school is so expensive, Ill never afford it!


Want to learn more about studying Law in the UK?
Speak to one of our Personal Advisors, for all the information you need to take your first step to studying abroad.

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Law School Myths Debunked: 10 Myths About Applying to Law School

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

Welcome to our blog series called Law School Myths Debunked! This 10-part series focuses on identifying and debunking some of the most common myths we hear from students interested in going to British law schools. We will cover tips and tricks so you'll sidestep these false beliefs when applying, and ultimately attending, law school abroad.

At Canada Law From Abroad, we know applying to graduate school is an overwhelming process because our entire team studied a postgraduate degree in the UK too! From England and Scotland to England and Northern Ireland, we've all had a lot of different studying experiences so we can help you figure out what is right for you.


"Quickly learning the advantages of each school and the difference between law programmes, in general, was a huge help. It made the process simpler and less concerning."

Dan J. University of Southampton Student and CLFA Alumnus


You've probably researched a lot of different types of programs and universities. In addition, you've talked to your friends and family. Or similarly, chatted with professors from school or supervisors at work. As a result, you've likely heard some pretty out-there things about law school. Our job is to cut through all the noise. We help you sort out which university and what programme is best for you so you'll have a fantastic law school experience and a meaningful career.

Download our free study guide to discover the benefits of studying Law in the UK

Our series breaks these common myths down and removes some of the biggest barriers to achieving your dream of studying law. Get ready for an exciting 10-part journey. We kick off next time when we debunk our first myth titled Going straight from undergrad to law school is easiest.


Want to learn more about studying Law in the UK?
Speak to one of our Personal Advisors, for all the information you need to take your first step to studying abroad.

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Across the Pond


Canada Law From Abroad provides a free service to Canadian students wishing to get their law degree in the United Kingdom. We work with a consortium of a dozen top UK law schools. We are here to provide guidance for the application process and we also help you take the needed steps to transition to life in the United Kingdom.

Why Study Law in the UK?

Written by Nadia - 06/09/2023

Why should you, as a Canadian, study law in the UK? We'll give you three reasons!


1. You do NOT need to write the dreaded LSAT

There are different entry requirements for law school in Canada and in the UK. In Canada applicants are required to write the Law School Admission Test, which is also commonly referred to as the LSAT. Generally, the LSAT requires intense study and preparation including attending LSAT preparation courses which can cost around $1000. Add on the costs of the test ($175), the Credential Assembly Service fee ($100), and study materials, the LSAT is not only a financial burden but it can be psychologically straining, as it can take months to prepare for the test. If the applicant is in their final year of their undergraduate studies, the LSAT may not be a feasible option as thxe majority of time is already being devoted to final year studies.

In the UK, however, there is no need to write the LSAT. The application process to law school in the UK is straightforward: you need to submit your academic transcripts from high school and university, an academic reference letter, and a personal statement. The application fee for the University College Application Service (UCAS) in 2020-2021 was only £26 for applications to five laws schools.


2. Save your time and money

At first glance, tuition for law school in the UK may appear high compared to Canadian tuition. But it is important to remember that a UK law degree is normally shorter than a Canadian law degree. This means that not only do students spend less time getting their degree, but can save on tuition fees and living expenses. Overseas students pursuing an LLB in the UK can expect to pay between £15,000 to £21,000 per year. The price range is broad and dependent on each university.

In Canada, law school is a minimum of three years. At the University of Toronto, the tuition for the JD programme for the 2021-22 academic year is $34,633.51. This means that the JD would cost students around $104,000. By comparison, in the UK if a student opts to take the 2 year accelerated LLB programme the entire tuition for two years would be around $55,000 for the degree (£16,000 per year x 2 years = £32,000 which is the equivalent of $54,746.49).* For a 3 year programme, it would be $82,117.87, which is still more affordable than a JD in Canada. Add on the time and cost of four years of undergraduate studies required before being admitted to law school in Canada, studying law in the UK can be the fastest and most cost efficient route to becoming a lawyer.

*OANDA Currency Converter utilized for conversion on May 11, 2021


3. Gain international experience

The UK attracts top students from around the world because studying law in the UK is a wonderful opportunity to gain international experience. Not only is it the motherland of Common Law, but it is just a short train ride away to the continent where civil law reigns supreme. Moreover, future employers find individuals with experience studying and working in a different country than the one they originated from attractive, as it demonstrates initiative and a willingness to adapt to changing situations.

Want to learn more about studying law in the UK? Speak to one of our Personal Advisors, for all the information you need to take your first step to studying abroad.

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Tips for Canadian Students Living in the UK

Written by Merika - 06/09/2023

Your first weeks in the UK!


So you have decided to study Law in the UK, a country known for its exceptional education! This is an exciting time for you, youll be getting your student visa, your plane tickets, and starting to pack. Of course, youre also probably feeling the nerves kick in. Not only will you be travelling to a new country, youll be in a new education system. But not to worry, Canada Law From Abroad is still here to help! Here are some ideas of what to expect when you arrive in the UK.


Most universities offer an airport pick-up service for international students. This is a great option, as you will not have to worry about travelling to the school with all your luggage! Its also a great way to meet other new international students. If you are living on campus, you will have a welcome crew to help you move in, these are students who can give you details about your accommodation and the school that you wont find online. There are also Welcome Events, International Student Events/Orientation, and Freshers Week. Try to go to all of the events that you can! This is how you will meet people, including you classmates, and get more comfortable with where you are. Make sure to join your local Canadian Student Law Society. Does your university not have one? Maybe you should think about starting one! This would show great initiative, and there are bound to be other Canadians looking for a law society to join. Also remember to collect your Biometric Resident Permit (BRP) from your university or local post office within 10 days of arriving in the UK.


Use your first week of classes to organize your calendar, get your syllabus, and know your due dates! You should know all of the dates for your exams and coursework deadlines. Do not book tickets home for holidays until you know the exact dates for everything, in order to avoid any flight cancellations later on. Ask your professor if you need to know early. Also be sure to get to know your classmates. With organized group projects, debates, and mooting, you will want to know who you are working with. Your classes in the UK will be more professionally focused, and in your first year you will mostly be taking core law modules. Classes in the UK are a little different than in Canada. In the UK, you might have one or two big lectures a week, but mostly you will have seminars or tutorials with small group discussions. The majority of study is self-lead, so be self-motivated! To give you an idea about UK law class hours, here is an example from a Contract Law course at Exeter Law School: hours with scheduled teaching and learning activities = 55, hours with guided independent study = 245.


In the UK they use a different grading scale. Although there is no exact conversion, here is a table to give you an idea of what your grades are equal to, but keep in mind that all the schools are different both in the UK and in Canada.


UK Degrees

UK Percentage Grades

Canadian Percentage Grades

Letter Grades CAN/UK

First (1:1)

90-100 80-89 70-79

90-100 85-89 80-84

A+ A A-

Upper Second (2:1)


77-79 73-76

B+ B

Lower Second (2:2)


70-72 67-69 63-66

B- C+ C

Ordinary Pass


60-62 57-59 53-56

C- D+ D D-


30-39 20-29 10-19 0-9

50-52 0-39 0-34.9

D- / E F F- / G H



Make sure you look up what else your university offers! Sometimes they have free language classes you can take, they might offer study abroad (if youre not doing a 2-year LLB), or have places for students to work at a Law Clinic or Pro Bono Clinic. Some universities also offer guaranteed places in LLM programmes once youve finished your LLB in good standing. These are all things that you might be interested in. Also, Quiz Nights at your local pubs are a great way to get to know where you are living and the people who you are living with! Remember that you are in the UK. While you may be going to law school, you dont want to burn out by studying for your whole time overseas. Make sure to take holidays when you can. Travel around the UK, go explore Europe, and experience new things! These will all help you grow in your personal life which in turn will help you grow in your professional life as well. If you find you have free time, why not read what some of our students have to say about their UK study experience.

Reach out today to get started on your UK law journey now, our advisors will help you every step of the way. 

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